故障代码 | 故障现象 | 1 | The battery for memory backup is dead. | 2 | Abnormality of the XCON 32SF PWB. | 3 | Filament heating current is greater than the standard value. | 4 | Filament heating current is less than the standard value. | 5 | Tube current is greater than the standard value. | 6 | Tube current is less than the standard value. | 7 | The anode-side tube voltage is higher than the standard value. | 8 | The anode-side tube voltage is lower than the standard value. | 9 | The anode-side tube voltage is higher than the preset value by 30%. Press the power ON switch to reset the system. | 10 | The anode-side tube voltage is lower than the preset value by 30%. Press the power ON switch to reset the system. | 11 | The cathode-side tube voltage is higher than the standard value. | 12 | The cathode-side tube voltage is lower than the standard value. | 13 | The cathode-side tube voltage is higher than the preset value by 30%.Press the power ON switch to reset the system. | 14 | The cathode-side tube voltage is lower than the preset value by -30%.Press the power ON switch to reset the system. | 15 | Tube current time product is greater than the standard value. | 17 | Overcurrent in the filament heating circuit. | 18 | Overcurrent in the inverter of the IGBT driver DR1. | 19 | Overcurrent in the inverter of the IGBT driver DR2. | 20 | Abnormality CNT1. | 24 | The X-ray switch is being pressed when the power is turned ON. | 26 | Abnormality CNT2. | 35 | The tube voltage is less than 50% of the set value. | 40 | Coil current is less than the standard value. | 41 | Abnormality in the inverter drivers of the high-speed starter.
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