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GE brightspeed darc故障









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-9-17 09:47:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


重新启动后依然无法进入系统,打开shell输入su - 密码#bigguy获取root权限,reconfig做原始数据盘格式化database, 报错失败,让关机断电重做reconfig。


一、重建raid阵列  Create (-c) Script

The sudo gre-raid -c (create) script erases all data on the Scan Disk. Patient information WILL be lost. Make certain to back-up all patient data prior to performing this test.

With Application Software down, open a Unix Shell and type the following:

{ctuser@hostname}  rsh  darc

[ctuser@darc ~]$  sudo  gre-raid  -c

************************** Warning ******************************* If a new disk array is created, all scan data on the current  ** disk array will be lost.                                      ****************************************************************** 

Are you sure you want to create a new disk array (yes/no)?  yes

Table 1:  Example Create Command Output

{ctuser@hostname}[1] rsh darcLast login: Mon Jul 24 17:03:43 from oc[ctuser@darc ~]$ sudo gre-raid -cgre-raid: built Jun 22 2006 20:34:02 

/dev/sd<x>: scanning disk array...done

Device    Bus  ID  Mfg       Model        Fwrev  Serial-number/dev/sda  0    0   SEAGATE   ST336754LW   0003   3KQ1H79N00007634SPRT/dev/sdb  0    1   SEAGATE   ST336754LW   0003   3KQ1JP5300007634RNN5 Adaptec driver not found. Continuing...dasType: non-VDAS/usr/g/config/gre-raid-2.cfg: RAID-0 profile

/raw_data: unmounting filesystem...done

/dev/md0: stopping...done

/var/log/messages: checking for SCSI errors...done************************** Warning ******************************* If a new disk array is created, all scan data on the current  ** disk array will be lost.                                      ******************************************************************Are you sure you want to create a new disk array (yes/no)? yes /var/log/messages: 0 drive(s) found with SCSI errors found since last start 

/dev/sda: testing...drive_spec...52.0MB/sec...done

/dev/sdb: testing...drive_spec...51.9MB/sec...done


/dev/sda: partitioning...done

/dev/sdb: partitioning...done

/dev/md0: creating disk array...done

/dev/md0: RAID-0 active with (2) drives, 256k chunk size, and 69GB capacity

/dev/md0: creating filesystem...done

/raw_data: mounting /dev/md0 filesystem...done


/raw_data: testing...170.1MB/sec...done

/raw_data: 0.0% used, 68.2GB avail


gre-raid: success

[ctuser@darc ~]$

Verify the create partitions diagnostic passes and all output looks good.

Perform the assemble and query commands if the create has been successful.

如果硬盘有问题,会在testing disk 的时候报错。



 然后在打开的shell 窗口里面会显示darc主板的Bios设置信息,根据darc 的类型,分为WestvilleJarrell,设置情况如下

 (For Westville)  Verify the Boot device Priority is set to:

     IBA 1.1.08 Slot 0338


     Hard Drive

     IBA 1.1.08 Slot 0339

     Removable Devices

(For Jarrell) Verify the Boot device Priority is set to:

IBA GE slot 0320v

 S -slimtype COMBO


·  IBA GE slot 0321v

·  EFI Boot Manager

·  pc 的光驱里面安装darc系统

·  ·  ·  Open a Unix Shell and type the following:


{ctuser@hostname}su  -






[root@hostname]cd  /usr/g/scripts



[root@hostname]  ./load_darc_subsystem


An Attention window appears. See the illustration below.

·  Follow the instructions in the Attention window.

·  ·  Select [OK] .

·  ·  The Unix Shell will display output during the DARC load (approximately 33 minutes). Example output is as follows:

·  [root@hostnamescripts]# ./load_darc_subsystem

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [Start time] Loading the darc subsystem(OS + Apps) takes 30 minutes

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [Start time] Loading the darc OS

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [Time] Loading the darc OS is complete

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [Time] Loading the darc apps

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [End time] Loading the darc is complete

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [End time] Load started: (Date)   (Start time)

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [End time] Load ended: (Date)   (End time)

·  [load_darc_subsystem] [End time] Finished loading darc subsystem.

·  [root@hostname]#

·  成功后,shell窗口会自动关闭。darc系统装完后,需要把Bios设置还原为以前的设置。

·  三、安装S-O-l

·  darc接上显示器,将Bios设置中光驱启动CD-rom设置为第一启动项,把S-o-l这张盘放入光驱中,会自动安装,大约2-3分钟,安装完后darc重新启动,光驱弹出,说明s-o-l安装成功,然后把biso恢复设置。





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