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发表于 2020-10-14 20:47:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



                    <p><strong><span>本期内容我们将了解医用超声诊断系统的凸阵探头如何应用在孕妇身上......我们还会整理更多酷酷的医疗视频给广大临床工作者,这也是一个系列节目</span></strong></p><p><br  /></p><p><iframe src="https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html?vid=n0179nsgl5q&auto=0" width="100%" height="580" frameborder="0"></iframe><br  /></p><p><br  /></p><p>Ultrasound is a high-frequency sound above the range of human hearing.</p><p><strong>超声是人类听力范围之外的一种高频声音。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p>An ultrasound probe houses the ultrasound transducer, which is made up of piezo electrical crystals.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>超声探头镶嵌在超声换能器中, 由压电晶体组成。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p>Ultrasound is generated by the passage of electronic stimulus through the pizeo-electrical &nbsp;crystals which then vibrate and high-frequency sound is (omitted?).&nbsp;</p><p><strong>压电晶体通过电子刺激通道产生超声,超声振动产生高频声音。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p>The sound wave then travels through different tissues of body which have a different penetrant ability.&nbsp;<strong><span>随后声波会穿过人体不同的组织。声波对不同的人体组织有不同的穿透能力。</span></strong></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p>Also known as an acoustic (impedents?), so parts of the sound energy is reflected by the tissues and parts continues to travel through until his or her tissues and is reflected back.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>这一现象又可称为听觉障碍, 因此部分声能会被人体组织反射回来,另外一些声能继续穿透,直到被人体的其他组织反射回来</strong>。</p><p><br  /></p><p>The images produced from the reflected sound waves as they come back from the different tissue interfaces and that imposes the registered on the screen as a dot.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>从人体各个组织返回的反射声波所呈现的图像会在屏幕上形成一个亮点。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p>Thousands of these dots produced a complete image which is a composite of all the (returning?) signals.</p><p><strong>成千上万个这样的亮点便会形成一个完整的图像,进而传达出一些信号。</strong></p><p><strong>Terminology</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/0c04f5a0230df73ad8bf451848959ec9_1.jpg" /></p><br  /></p><p><strong><span>术语</span></strong></p><p><strong><span><br  /></span></strong></p><p>The terms longitudinal and transverse are used when referring to the position of the probe. The terms sagittal and coronal are used when referring to the view obtained by the probe of the mother or fetus.</p><p>纵波和横波是两个用来形容超声探头位置的术语。矢状面和冠状面则表示超声探头所检测到的母体或胎儿的图像。</p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Longitudinal&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>纵波</strong></p><p>When (?) a scan , one always thought the probe over the pur burn of the mother in the longitudinal plane. This means the long axis of the probe is lined up with the lung axis of the mother. Within scan systematically, open down her abdomen, taking slices land waves.</p><p><strong>在进行扫描时,人们通常会认为超声探头会穿过母体腹部的纵断面。这就意味着探头的较长的一端与母体的肺轴相连。在进行系统扫描时,探头会切开母体腹部,在纵切面获取声波。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Transverse</strong></p><p><strong>横断面</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>Within rotate the probe 90 degrees, so in its transvers plane, this means the axis of the probe is lying across the mother. Within a scan systematically across the mother’s abdomen, taking slices cross the ways, giving left to right images.</p><p><strong>将探头在母体内旋转90度,就会转换到其横断面,这是探头会平躺着穿过母体。通过对母体腹部进行系统扫描,就会呈现出由左到右的图像。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Sagittal</strong></p><p><strong>矢状面</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>Sagittal is used when describing a vertical slice or view a section of a part through the mother or fetus from head to foot.</p><p><strong>矢状面用来描述垂直部分或从头部到脚部穿过母体或胎儿的部分图像。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Coronal</strong></p><p><strong>冠状面</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>Coronal is used when describing the view of section that through the mother &nbsp;or fetus from the left to right.</p><p><strong>冠状面用来描述从母体或胎儿左侧到右侧的局部区域图像。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Anterior and posterior</strong></p><p><strong>前壁和后壁</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>If we considering the antiverted uterus and the scanning in both the longitudinal and transverse planes. Then the anterior part of the uterus is the front of the uterus. There is the mother’s belly button. And the posterior is the back of the uterus. There is the mother’s spine. As the image on the monitor, the anterior part is represented upmost on the screen, and the posterior part is represented on the lower part of the screen.</p><p><strong>纵向子宫扫描是同时对纵断面和截面进行扫描。子宫的前壁位于子宫前方,肚脐就处于此位置。后壁位于子宫后方,女性脊柱就位于此。呈现在屏幕上时,子宫前壁位于图像的最上方,后壁位于图像较低的位置。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Superior</strong></p><p><strong>上支</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>This refers to the direction of the mother’s head.</p><p><strong>上支是指向母体头部的方向。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Inferior</strong></p><p><strong>下叶</strong></p><p>This refers to the direction of the mother’s feet.</p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>下叶是指向母体足部的方向。</strong></p><p>For example, if scans the uterus in the longitudinal plane, the superior part of the organ is the end towards the mother’s head, and the inferior part is the end towards the mother’s feet. As a scanned image, superior is represented to the viewer’s left on the screen, and the inferior is represented to the viewer’s right on the screen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>比如, 在纵切面扫描子宫时,上支就是朝着母体头部的器官, 而下叶则是朝着母体足部的一端器官。在扫描图像上,观察者会看到上支位于屏幕的左侧,下叶位于屏幕的右侧。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/9d875844013b5a6cfc0f73a29a08e1d8_2.jpg" /></p><br  /></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Cephalic presentation&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>头位</strong><br  /></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>Cephalic describes the fetus in the head down position inside the uterus. The head of the fetus is the birth canal. In other words, just above the **</p><p><strong>头位是指胎儿在子宫内头朝下的位置。胎儿的头部一般位于产道。换句话说,仅在(......)</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Breech presentation&nbsp;</strong></p><p><strong>臀位</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>&nbsp;Breech describes the fetus with its breech on bottom lie close to the canal just above the (?)</p><p><strong>臀位用来描述胎儿的臀部靠近(?</strong>)</p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Probe orientation</strong></p><p><strong>探头取向</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>There’s a marker or a dot located on the ultrasound probe and it is always represented on the screen in the same place. Usually the top left hand corner. This dot is crucial when working the orientation of the organ of the fetus and when interpreting the corresponding image on the screen. If the probe is placed on the mother(??) in the longitudinal plane, one will consider the dot and related the dot on the screen, in order to interpret the image. In the longitudinal plane, the left side of the screen represents the superior part of the mother, and the right side represents the inferior part of the mother. So when scanning in the longitudinal plane, the mother’s head is represented to the left of the screen, and her feet to the right. The location of the dot on the screen should correspond. When scanning in the transverse plane, the image on the screen is like a mirror image. The left side of the mother is represented on the right side of the screen, and the right side of the mother is represented on the left side of the screen. Again, the location of the dot on the screen should correspond. Understanding the orientation is important; otherwise it will lead to confusion. For example, while the Cephalic presentation could be mistaken for a breech, and vice versa.</p><p><strong>超声探头上通常有一个记号或点,该记号或圆点也会显示在屏幕同样的位置上,通常在左手左上角。这一圆点对于检测胎儿器官的方位以及其呈现在屏幕上的位置有诶重要。当该点位于母体纵切面的(?)时,观察者会在屏幕同样的位置看到该圆点,从而很好的理解图像。在纵切面上,屏幕左侧代表着母体的上支部分,屏幕右侧呈现的是母体的下叶部分。因此,在进行纵切面扫描时,母体的头部会位于屏幕的左侧,足部位于屏幕左侧。亮点在屏幕上的位置应与实际中的保持一致。在进行横截面扫描时,屏幕上的图像与镜子所呈现的图像一样。母体的左侧呈现在屏幕的右侧,而母体的右侧则呈现在屏幕的左侧。而亮点也在屏幕相应的位置上。掌握位置取向极为重要,否则会导致对不同部位的混淆。比如,观察者可能会将头位误认为臀位,或将臀位误作头位。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Interpreting the image</strong></p><p><strong>识别图像</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>There are various positions of the back for Cephalic or breech presentation.</p><p><strong>头位和臀位往往会呈现在不同的位置</strong>。</p><p>Cephalic &nbsp; back posterior</p><p><br  /></p><p>Scanning in the longitudinal plane, the fetus’s back is lie along the mother’s back. They are back to back. The head will appear to the right of the screen and the back will be the lower part of the screen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>在进行纵切面扫描时,胎儿的背部沿着母体的背部躺着,胎儿与母体处于背对背状态。胎儿头部将会出现在屏幕右侧,背部则出现在屏幕的较低位置。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Back anterior</strong></p><p><strong>背部在前</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>Scanning in the longitudinal plane, the fetus’s spine will be a line just under the mother’s abdominal wall. The head will be on the right of the screen, and the fetus’s back will at the top of the screen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>在进行纵切面扫描时,胎儿的脊椎就在母体腹壁下方。胎儿头部位于屏幕右方,背部位于屏幕最上方。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>So to summaries, when scanning in the longitudinal plane, the right side of the screen always shows the inferior part of the mother, and the left side of the screen always shows the superior part of the mother.</p><p><strong>总的来说,在进行纵切面扫描时,显示屏右方通常显示母体的下叶部分,而显示屏左侧通常显示母体的上支部位</strong>。</p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Breech</strong></p><p><strong>臀部</strong></p><p>It is essential to identify the breech presentation before delivery. Regarding the spine position, the same principles apply. For example, back anterior, scanning in the longitudinal plane, the fetus’s spine will lie just under the mother’s abdominal wall. The head will be to the left and the fetus’s back will on the top of the screen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>准确识别胎儿臀部的位置对于生育十分重要。上述原理也同样适用于识别胎儿的脊椎位置。比如,对背部朝前进行纵切面扫描时,胎儿的脊椎就位于母体腹壁下方。胎儿的头部位于右侧,背部位于显示屏上方。</strong></p><p><br  /></p><p>A good way to distinguish a breech presentation from a Cephalic presentation is by scanning the fetus’s abdomen in the transverse plane. With the back posterior, a Cephalic presentation will always show the fetus’s stomach to the left of the screen, and the breech presentation will the fetus’s stomach will always on the right side of the screen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>有效区别臀位和头位的一个方法是在横截面上扫描胎儿的腹部。在背部朝后情况下,胎儿头位通常会表明胎儿的胃会显示在屏幕的左侧,如果是臀位,则胎儿的胃会显示在屏幕右侧。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Twins</strong></p><p><strong>双胞胎</strong></p><p>During the ultrasound scanning of the twins, it’s important to identify each twin and to describe each of their positioning. Twin 1 is traditionally refers to the twin with lower most presenting part. So in the case we both line alone with Cephalic presentation. Twin 1 will be the twin that has lowest in the praevias. In the case of breech twins, the same principle applies. The twin with lowest most breech will be described as twin 1. Clearly in some instance, twin 1 may be Cephalic and twin 2 may be breeched. The lie of the twin will refer to whether the twin is the longitudinal, transverse or a (?) position.&nbsp;</p><p>在对双胞胎进行超声波扫描时, 准确识别每个胎儿以及各自的位置十分重要。1号胎儿一般指处于胎盘最下方的胎儿。因此,在这种情况下我们通常认为该胎儿属臀位。1号胎儿即处于胎盘最下方的胎儿。该原则也同样适用于臀位性质的双胞胎。处于臀位最下方的胎儿为1号胎儿。显然,在一些情况下,1号胎儿属于头位,而2号胎儿属于臀位。胎儿的姿势可表明胎儿处于纵切面、横截面还是(?)的位置。</p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/4a5206831ddb770e839a85238fb99630_3.jpg" /></p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Placenta</strong></p><p><strong>胎盘</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>The placenta can be located in the upper part or the lower part of the uterus in an anterior or posterior position. A placenta represents a lower placenta of the uterus. It is regarded as low or a placenta praevia of close reaching or covering the surface.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>胎盘可以位于子宫较高的位置,或子宫较低的位置。胎盘通常位于子宫较低的位置。这种类型通常接近或覆盖在子宫表面,称为低位胎盘或前置胎盘。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Anterior and posterior positions</strong></p><p><strong>前位和后位</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>Scanning in the longitudinal or transverse plane, the anterior placeta will always be on the top of the screen and the posterior placenta will always lie at the bottom of the screen.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>在进行纵切面或横截面扫描时,前置胎盘通常位于屏幕的上方而后至胎盘则处于屏幕的底端。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Fundal position</strong></p><p><strong>子宫底位</strong></p><p>Scanning in the longitudinal plane, the fundal placeta will be displayed on the left side of the screen.</p><p><strong>在进行纵切面扫描时,胎盘底部通常位于显示屏左侧</strong>。</p><p><br  /></p><p><strong>*Placenta praevia</strong></p><p><strong>前置胎盘</strong></p><p>Scanning in the longitudinal plane, the praevia position will be show on the right side of the screen. Alone Placenta will appear between * which will see on the extreme right side of the screen, and fetus on the left.</p><p><strong>在进行纵切面扫描时,前置位置通常位于屏幕右侧。胎盘出现在(?)之间时,可以看到其将会显示在屏幕的最右边,胎儿位于屏幕左边。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><strong>*Fibroids</strong></p><p><strong>子宫肌瘤</strong></p><p>When scanning fibroids, it’s important to describe the side in terms of volume. Two measurements are taken on the longitudinal plane, and one measurement is taken on the transverse plane. The fibroids will then be located relations to the uterus to determine whether it’s fundal. Anterior, posterior or (?)also describes that the position uterus wall. Fibroids is located on the lower part of the uterus can obstruct labor, therefore need to be identified before birth.</p><p><strong>&nbsp;在做子宫肌瘤扫描时,对子宫肌瘤的数量进行描述是至关重要的。在纵切面扫描时采用两种测量方法。在横截面上扫描时采用一种测量方法。子宫肌瘤在子宫中所处的位置决定了胎盘是否处于底部。前置胎盘、后置胎盘以及(?)用来描述胎盘在子宫壁上的位置。位于子宫较低位置的子宫肌瘤可能阻碍(?),因此在生产前需进行鉴定。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p>In summary, before proceeding with a fine diagnosis of the ultrasound, it is important to clearly understand the orientations of the fetus and its organs within the uterus, and acutely learn the language of its description.&nbsp;</p><p><strong>总体来说,在进行细致的超声波检查之前,医生必须清楚胎儿的取向以及其在子宫中的各个器官位置,并运用语言对其进行清楚准确的描述,这是十分重要的。</strong></p><p><strong><br  /></strong></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/685388a600e5b872a16885801a59d42b_4.jpg" /></p><br  /></p><p><br  /></p><section><section><p><strong><span>微课堂</span></strong><span>是我们的最新专业服务板块,主要给临床医生和医疗器械相关从业人员(让你迅速从小白变大神的有力武器)提供全球最新的医疗科技、新产品视频。这些专业医疗器械产品相关技术的最新视频,未来也会扩展到其它学科领域,<span>按照不同学科细分子频道</span>。</span></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>如果你的英文足够好,愿意帮助大家(翻译成中文)共同提高,也愿意加入我们成为志愿者,可以后台和我们联系。</span></p><p><br  /></p><p><span><strong>如需要转载 请后台联系我们,或者发邮件至</strong><strong>4008228766@qixieke.com</strong></span></p></section></section><p><br  /></p><section data-id="1658"><section><section><p><span><strong>相关阅读</strong></span></p></section><p><p><img src="image/20201014/ec237188ae1e9c03eb4d9814f31b18ab_5.gif" /></p></p><p><span>『微课堂』超声大夫学习超声操作和打图-医疗小白变大神</span><br  /></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>『微课堂』60秒学习医用超声工作原理-医疗小白变大神</span></p><p><br  /></p><p>『大开眼界』GE在欧洲的Unisyn超声探头服务<br  /></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>『微课堂』CT、PET、MR有何区别?</span></p></section></section><p><br  /></p><p><br  /></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/da0d101cb2763cefb61f8120386ec54a_6.png" /></p></p><p><br  /></p>

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