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发表于 2020-10-14 17:12:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



                    <section><section><p><p><img src="image/20201014/86b79d371e9862b01189f0252a03b2cd_1.png" /></p></p></section><section><section><strong></strong></section><p><span>医疗器械第一新媒体</span></p><p><span>分享最专业的医疗器械知识</span></p></section><section><section><section>关注</section></section></section></section><p><br  /></p><p><span>又一例因操作不当,导致的磁共振医疗事故。</span></p><p><span>这一次,出事的不仅是设备,还有人命!</span><br  /></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><span>消息来源:观察者网</span></p><p><span>据《印度快报》网站1月29日报道,当地时间1月27日晚上,一名陪同病人接受检查的32岁男子在孟买的一家医院内被吸入磁共振内。</span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/66e4cf36f66c04b43b1ae933e2084f59_2.jpg" /></p></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>这名男子名叫拉杰什·马鲁蒂·马鲁(Rajesh Maruti Maru),当天,他陪同姐姐的婆婆前往医院做检查。当晚8时30分左右,他带着一个打开的氧气瓶,进入磁共振扫描室,结果他一走进房间,就被强大的磁力吸入仪器内。由于氧气瓶当时打开着,他吸入了过多纯氧,引起气胸,经抢救无效死亡。</span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/f8c255d73434482100fcd88a9d651f3b_3.jpg" /></p><span>死者亲属展示死者生前照片(《印度快报》配图)</span></p><p><span>马鲁的姐姐当时也在现场,她描述当时的情景称,马鲁本来手拿氧气瓶在磁共振室的外边等候,后来一名工作人员要求他进入磁共振室协助搬动病人,“当时他们说那没有关系”,于是马鲁就走进了房间,在他靠近磁共振仪的时候,被吸了进去。</span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><p><img src="image/20201014/ae7e74cd07bb3ac529b4648550e07282_4.jpg" /></p></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>马鲁的姐姐表示,当时<strong>医院方面甚至没有确认核磁共振仪是开着还是关着。</strong></span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><span>医院方面的人表示,马鲁当时双手握着氧气瓶被卡在仪器里,医生和他的家人一起把他拉了出来,他在10分钟内就被送往急诊室急救,但仍无济于事。</span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><strong><span>医院的验尸报告称,马鲁死于气胸。</span></strong></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><span>包括一名医生在内的三名院方人士已涉嫌过失致人死亡,被当地警方逮捕。</span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><span>马哈拉施特拉邦首席部长法德纳威斯(Devendra Fadnavis)已宣布将<strong>给予死者家人50万卢比(Rs 5 lakh,约合人民币50200元)的补偿。</strong></span></p><p><span><br  /></span></p><p><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"></trans><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"><span>作为临床上普遍应用的影像检查手段,MRI被认为是一宗安全无电离辐射的影像检查方法,事实上,MRI环境存在许多潜在风险,可能对受检者、陪同家属、医护人员及其他出现在MRI场地的工作人员造成伤害。</span></trans></p><p><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"><br  /></trans></p><p><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"><strong><span>通常情况下,</span></strong></trans><strong><span>检查者及陪检人员进入检查室前需去除下列物品:磁性金属物品如手机、磁卡、钥匙、手表、硬币、发卡、打火机、假牙、剪刀、别针、电子产品、存折、项链、耳环、戒指等;尤其是轮椅、平车、担架、监护仪、输液泵、氧气筒等仪器设备禁止入内。</span></strong><span>因为它们可能会被损坏及对磁共振设备造成破坏,并可能导致人身伤害。</span></trans><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"></trans></p><p><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"><br  /></trans></p><p><span>看看下面这段视频,你就能了解这种“伤害”有多强!</span></p><p><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"><iframe src="https://v.qq.com/iframe/player.html?vid=x0546zmf3oq&auto=0" width="100%" height="580" frameborder="0"></iframe><br  /></trans></p><p><trans src="Traditional vital signs monitors found in most patient hospital rooms can’t be taken into the MRI suite, as that may lead to tragicomic consequences. A patient requiring close monitoring has to be transferred to a specialty monitor attached to a heavy cart that prevents it from being sucked into the bore of the MRI’s magnet, or monitor has to be kept outside of the the MRI room. That’s about to change thanks to FDA clearing the Iradimed 3880 MRI compatible patient vital signs monitoring system." data-dst="传统的生命体征监视器发现大多数病人的病房是不能带进MRI套房,可能导致得后果。一个病人需要密切监测已被转移到一个专业显示器连接到一个沉重的车子,防止它被吸进的MRI磁体的孔,或监控必须保持的MRI室外面。这是关于改变由于FDA清除IRadimed 3880 MRI兼容的病人的生命体征监测系统。"></trans></p><section data-id="1658"><section><section><section data-id="1658"><section><section><section data-id="1658"><section><section><section data-id="1658"><section><section><p><span><strong>相关阅读</strong></span></p></section><p><p><img src="image/20201014/ec237188ae1e9c03eb4d9814f31b18ab_5.gif" /></p></p><p><span></span></p><p><span>『大开眼界』世界上第一个MRI兼容的监护仪获得FDA批准</span></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>重磅!磁共振成像安全管理中国专家共识发布</span></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>起搏器佩戴者可以做磁共振?!AHA曾这样声明…</span></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>【大盘点】2017国产超导型磁共振主流品牌大PK</span></p><p><br  /></p><p><span>做磁共振检查前应注意什么?</span></p></section></section><p><br  /></p></section></section></section></section></section></section></section></section></section><p><p><img src="image/20201014/ddc723b50bcaa3c373cb35a0033daacd_6.jpg" /></p></p>

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